Welcome to “Autumn 2024 with Lanmer: Science and Start-ups,” a dynamic conference dedicated to bridging the worlds of scientific research and entrepreneurial innovation.

Our this year guiding principle, inspired by William Lawrence Bragg, is: “The important thing in science is not so much to obtain new facts as to discover new ways of thinking about them.” Join us for an exhilarating journey where groundbreaking ideas and pioneering start-ups converge.

Below you will find our impressive lecturers list who will be joining us on stage to share their knowledge and expertise in their respective fields and areas of interest:

Claudia Dannehl, Senior Regulatory Affairs Consultant at Key2Compliance #regulatoryactivities #medicaldevicetrials
Erki Mölder, Managing Partner at Verge HealthTech Fund #earlystageVCfund #healthcareinvestor
Hedvig Tamman, Associate Professor at University of Tartu #bacteriophages #researchjourney
Indrek Tulp, Head of Applied Research Division, Board Member at AS Metrosert #productdevelopment #appliedresearch
Kalev Kaarna, R&D Sales Manager at AS Metrosert & Mentor at Creative Destruction Lab #fixingsalesandfundraising #startupdevelopment
Kristel Vene, Co-Founder at Raw Edge #foodtech #guthealth #sciencebased
Lev Dolgatsjov, Managing Partner at Meemaeger Capital, Member of the Supervisory Board at Eleving Group, Founding Partner at Syda Ventures, Lead Mentor at NATO – Defence Innovation Accelerator DIANA and Tehnopol Startup Incubator #startupincubator #investmentcommunity
Mart Loog, Director, Institute of Bioengineering, Professor of Molecular Systems Biology at University of Tartu #looglab # molecularbiologylab
Mart Toots, Development Manager & Reet Reinart-Okugbeni, R&D Expert (Bio and Health Technologies) at EASi ja KredExi ühendasutus #businessdevelopment #innovationacceleration
Peter Dogterom, Director Clinical Pharmacology at QPS Netherlands B.V. #earlyphaseclinicaltrials #clinicalpharmacology
Petri-Jaan Lahtvee, Co-founder at ÄIO & Professor in Food Tech and Bioengineering at Taltech #foodtech #novelfood
Rainis Venta, Innovation Manager at University of Tartu, Institute of Bioengineering #innovation #startup
Riina Aav, Tenured Full Professor at TalTech #syntheticchemistry #sustainablescience
Timothy Sirard, Senior Director Clinical Business Development at QPS Holdings #latephaseclinicaltrials #businessdevelopment

Innovate. Inspire. Invest. Be part of the scientific breakthrough at Autumn 2024 with Lanmer: Science and Start-ups.

Ticket for this year event is 15,00 EUR (incl. VAT). After registration you will receive an invoice via e-mail. With the ticket you will have access to the event in your chosen city. Please keep in mind that the number of tickets is limited!

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